We work with lots of other organisations, nationally and regionally.
If you’d like to see your organisation on this webpage, please get in touch.
Scotland-wide organisations
Community Energy Scotland
Community Energy Scotland are a registered charity who support, promote and represent the community energy sector.
If you’re interested in community energy you can join the CES Network for free.
Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS)
DTAS is an independent, member-led organisation which aims to promote, support and represent development trusts in Scotland.
Foundation Scotland
Foundation Scotland is an independent charity established to strengthen local communities by providing a source of funding to community led projects the length and breadth of Scotland.
Home Energy Scotland
Home Energy Scotland is a Scottish Government funded network of advice centres throughout Scotland which offers free impartial advice on energy efficiency and renewables to householders, community groups, private sector landlords, local authorities, housing associations and businesses.
Planning Aid Scotland (PAS)
PAS offers free and impartial advice on the planning system, and can help community groups to engage with planning.
Historic Environment Scotland
Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. With a wealth of knowledge in regards to historic building care and retrofit guidance, Historic Environment Scotland is key to supporting the transformation of Scotland’s historic building stock as part of a sustainable transition to net zero.
Public Affairs Co-operative
Public Affairs Co-operative is a co-op which can help your organisation’s campaigns and communications reach the right audiences, media and decision makers.
Business Energy Scotland
Business Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to provide free, impartial support and access to funding to help small and medium-sized enterprises save energy, carbon and money. The programme offers free advice and technical support as well as the sharing of good practice.
Scottish Community Alliance
Scottish Community Alliance campaigns for a strong and independent community sector in Scotland. The Alliance has two main functions – to promote the work of local people in their communities and to influence national policy development.
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network is a grassroots network of community groups that are taking action on climate change, aiming to enable, facilitate and support the transformational change to a post-carbon future.
Scottish Renewables
Scottish Renewables is committed to realising the full economic, social and environmental benefits of renewable energy for Scotland, and aims to lead and inform the debate on how the growth of renewable energy can help sustainably hear and power Scotland’s homes and businesses.
Regional organisations
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Highlands and Islands Enterprise looks to make the Highlands and Islands a highly successful and competitive region, through a wide remit that integrates economic and community development.
Aberdeenshire Rural Partnerships
Aberdeenshire Rural Partnerships helps statutory authorities and other agencies to see how they can better engage with and support communities in the north east of Scotland.
Organisations outside Scotland
Wrap Rural Community Energy Fund
The Rural Community Energy Fund supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community.