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Community Benefits Map


If you are a developer and you provide funding to a community, please search for your project on the map and submit your details via the online developers form in the pop-out box. Note that all content in stage one must be completed to allow you to save progress and submit your form.


If you are a community please submit your details by searching for the project on the map and adding in your details on the online communities form in the pop-out box. Note that the name of the community organisation, a contact name and email must be completed in stage one to allow you to save progress and submit your form.

The Register also details fund spend, and provides ideas and advice for communities looking to ensure their funds are spent wisely. Read more about the Register below the map.

You can view a list of all projects with community benefits.

The average committed community payments and total community benefits that should have been paid this year are shown below the project map. These figures do not include income from wholly community owned projects.


Project type
Average community value from recent projects £5,000 Per mW per year
Total benefits committed in the last year £26,358,006

Further information

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