The community buildings fund is now fully allocated and currently closed to new applications.

Applicants that have already submitted their applications in full will be contacted with a funding decision in due course.

We encourage communities to continue to develop their community buildings projects. Top tips to prepare include:

  • Look at CARES case studies for information and inspiration and consider a learning visit to another community project.
  • Get a free energy audit from Business Energy Scotland or other independent advice to review the types of measures appropriate for your building.
  • Research any requirements for consents, for example building warrants or planning permission.
  • Sign up to the CARES newsletter where we publish any updates on funding and sign post to new funds.

For those projects already working on an application on the CARES Project Portal, note that the information provided is not lost, and can be used for future applications.  Where appropriate, please keep this information up to date using your login details.

Advice through CARES remains available, and the Scottish Government is currently assessing the needs of any future support and funding for community energy.

The community buildings fund is now fully allocated and currently closed to new applications.


We’ve put together some frequently asked questions to help you work out if your application will be eligible. If you’re still unsure if your community or project meets the required criteria, please get in touch with your local development officer.

Need help?

If you have any further questions about the fund or about how to apply, please contact your local development officer.

Local contacts