Reducing emissions from our homes and buildings is one of the most important things we can do to help end Scotland’s contribution to climate change.
Our homes and workplaces account for around a fifth of Scotland’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising heat and transforming our homes and buildings will be very challenging but it is crucial if we are to meet Scotland’s target of net zero emissions by 2045.
Communities will have a key role to play in reaching this target and, over the coming years, CARES funding and support will increasingly focus on projects that support the decarbonisation of heat.
Find out more about the new Community Heat Development Programme which will work with eligible community organisations and groups of householders to help develop their ideas for locally-generated, low and zero carbon heat project ideas.
What does the Scottish Government’s Heat in Buildings Strategy mean for communities?
The climate crisis means that we need to decarbonise over 1 million homes by 2030 and greatly reduce emissions from our non-domestic buildings too. The Scottish Government held a consultation for the Heat in Buildings Bill which closed in March 2024. The bill proposes making new laws about the heating and energy efficiency of existing homes and businesses.
Watch our video to find out how the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) can help as we transition to net zero.
Alford and District Men’s Shed (ADMS) installed a whole energy system powered by renewable energy to minimise the building’s carbon footprint.
Watch the video to find out more about ADMS and its energy system.
ISKCON Scotland
ISKCON Scotland received helped from the Community Buildings Fund to help keep their building warm and to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
Aboyne & Mid Deeside Community Shed
Aboyne & Mid Deeside Community Shed got support from the Community Buildings Fund to install an air source heat pump and solar panels to help keep their building warm.
Case Studies
Heat Pumps
An introduction to the different ways you can develop a heat pump project, including a step-by-step guide.
Legal structures and governance considerations in community heating
In depth guidance about the starting points to consider when starting a community heating project.