The Scottish Government’s Scottish Energy Strategy sets out its vision for the future energy system in Scotland.
One of its core principles is to take a ‘whole-system’ view (considering heat, transport and electricity); and recognising the effect that each element of the energy system has on others.
CARES aims to develop innovative and integrated local energy systems to support this approach. CARES also supports renewable power projects and we have a small number of hydro, wind and solar projects that are being developed/constructed.
Case Studies

Developing Islay’s local energy system
The Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, and Argyll and Bute Council are working to promote a collective approach to developing Islay’s local energy system. This work has been supported by Local Energy Scotland.
Innovative energy systems
An overview of four examples of innovative electricity projects funded under the Scottish Government’s Local Energy Challenge Fund (LECF), and the opportunities and lessons learned for future projects.
Overcoming grid connection issues for community energy projects
A research paper from Cornwall Energy about overcoming grid connection issues for community energy projects.