This map shows community and locally owned renewable energy projects across Scotland. Browse the map to discover the projects which are contributing to Scottish targets for community and locally owned energy, alongside projects which have received funding from the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES).
This map continues to be developed; if you have any comments on how this tool can be improved, contact us.
2GW of community and locally owned energy by 2030
The Scottish Government’s ambition is to have 2GW of community and locally owned energy by the end of 2030.
Locally owned projects
924.72 MW
Community owned projects
103.28 MW
Total: 1028 MW
The map shows projects recorded in the community and locally owned renewable energy database, which is owned by the Scottish Government and maintained by Energy Saving Trust.
Operational projects with renewable energy capacities of under 50kW and projects that cannot be shared publicly are not shown on the map but are still counted towards the community and locally owned renewable energy capacity total.
Where projects are in shared ownership, only the percentage of the capacity which is community or locally owned is reported to contribute towards the total installed capacity.
The map shows all operational community and locally owned projects, as well as CARES projects in various stages of development.
Where a project has been offered CARES funding through the pre-planning loan, this information will appear on the map to demonstrate the pipeline of projects coming forward.
If you would like to find out more about CARES projects or the support that CARES offers, please contact us.
Information is sought from a variety of sources for the community and locally owned renewable energy database. A list of the main data sources used can be found in the latest annual community and locally owned renewable energy in Scotland report on Energy Saving Trust’s website.
For projects where complete information could not be obtained, likely installed capacity has been estimated based on technology type, ownership category and building type. A full list of assumptions used also can be found in the annual report.
The full update for the community and locally owned database and map is carried out annually in preparation for the community and locally owned renewable energy report. Updates received throughout the year are added to the map on a monthly basis.
To provide an update on a project or to add a community or locally owned renewable energy project to the map, please email us.
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