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Organisation Name: Radical Renewable Art + Activism Fund (Investment Opportunity)
Contact Name: Ellie Harrison
The Radical Renewable Art + Activism Fund (RRAAF) aims to use renewable energy as an ethical alternative funding source for a grants scheme for socially- and politically-engaged art-acitivist projects.
In autumn 2016, with support from Co-operative Development Scotland, RRAAF is constituting as a Community Benefit Society (BenCom) – a form of co-operative which ensures proceeds from the energy we sell can only be used to benefit our two designated communities:
– The UK-wide community of artists and activists
– The local community at the renewable energy site
The RRAAF team currently includes: artist Ellie Harrison, community activist Jain McIntyre, curator Cecilia Wee and Jim Lee from our partner Energy4All. We are currently looking for a site in/around Glasgow on which to develop an ambitious renewable energy project and to begin our two-year public engagement programme in 2017 – 2018.