From now until 2045, Scotland’s homes, workplaces, and communities must transform to be warmer, greener, and more efficient. This goal is Scotland-wide, but solutions will look different in each area depending on the needs, resources, and priorities of each community. A Local Energy Plan, prepared by the local community, is a way for people to have a voice about what the future of energy and transportation will look like in their area.
We have resources on how to develop a Local Energy Plan:
Local authorities across Scotland are also preparing plans to decide how energy will be supplied and used in the future. These plans can provide communities with information on current energy supply and demand. They also set out how the local authority will prioritise funding and decarbonisation projects. However, this relationship should not be a one-way street. Local Energy Plans can influence how local authorities target areas and projects based on community priorities. When communities and local authorities work together, they can create a more sustainable and collaborative future.
This guide will help you link your Local Energy Plan to local authority-led planning, whether your plan already exists or is yet to be developed.
How can Local Energy Plans influence local authority-led planning?
There are several tools and documents that Scottish local authorities use for energy and transportation planning:
- Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES)
- Energy Masterplans, Heat Network Zones
- Local Transport Strategies
- Local Development Plans.