Applying for CARES funding? We’ve put together some text that you can use when contacting installers for quotations. We encourage you to phone contractors to discuss your project and to encourage them to quote for the work. You will need to send your preferred quote prior to being awarded a CARES grant, along with evidence of seeking additional quotes. To be eligible for funding under this current round your supplier(s) must be able to complete the work, and you must be able to claim all funds by 31 March 2025.
There must be an appropriate selection process to appoint your contractor/installer that ensures best value. We recommend that you seek, or have sought, at least three quotations to ensure you are getting the right choice of contractor for you. Where it is not possible/practical to secure more than one quote, and where evidence of seeking additional quotes is provided, and you wish to appoint a contractor, their quote can be submitted to us at Local Energy Scotland and we can assess this for value for money.
Remember, if you’re installing renewable energy technologies or battery storage, your installer will need to MCS certified. Use Energy Saving Trust’s Renewables Installer Finder to find accredited installers in your area. You can also find an installer on the MCS website.
Need help? Get in touch with your local development officer.
Example email to installers
Dear << installer name>>
Please can you provide a quotation for:
- << List the renewable energy technologies eg solar panels, battery or heat pump, that you want this installer to install >>
- Please provide costs split out per technology and confirm the scale of each
The works are to be carried out at << address of your community building where you want the works installed >>. To help identify our building, you can view this online. << you could include a link to a satellite image of your building on an online map, for example >>
You are welcome to visit the site to discuss the required work and find out more about us and our project. The best days for a site visit are << specify which week, date and times are appropriate >>. Please call << name >> on << telephone number >> or email << email address >> to arrange a suitable time.
We are in the process of securing grant funding from the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES). We are keen to progress our application quickly to benefit from the funding and reduce our building’s carbon emissions and energy costs.
Our preference would be for a turnkey installation. We use the term ‘turnkey installation’ to mean all the works involved in the installation including (where appropriate) design, planning and other consents and grid connection, structural reports and building warrant, access arrangements, any scaffolding required, and the supply and installation itself. All of these should be included in your cost, if they are not please can you state this making it clear what support and information you will provide.
Please note that as part of the CARES funding we may require an independent inspection of your work prior to final payment.
Please could you advise at your earliest convenience whether you can quote for our building.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks,
<< your name >>