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"Shared Ownership"

Appendix 1: Three Stage Process for Shared Ownership

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at the three stage process of undertaking shared ownership projects.

Appendix 2: Shared ownership models

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at some examples of how some shared ownership models may work in practice.

Commercial advice for shared ownership models

A document outlining commercial advice for shared ownership models, developed by Harper Macleod LLP.

Community shared ownership market engagement report

The Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy outlined its ambition to see communities benefit from the development of onshore renewables in their local...

Community-led versus developer-led investment offerings

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at the differences between community and developer led investment offerings.

Getting the right advice for your shared ownership project

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at how to get the right professional advice for your shared ownership project.

How CARES can help with shared ownership

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at how the Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme can help.

How community projects are financed

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at how community projects are financed; either equity, debt finance or grants.

Investment Memorandum/Heads of Terms document

Part of our shared ownership module. This section looks at the investment memorandum/heads of terms document.

Investment risks

The following list of risk factors is not exhaustive and there may be other risks which relate to an investment in a renewable development. It is e...

Partnerships and collaborations

A look at how partnership and collaboration could benefit your organisation.

Shared ownership

An introduction to shared ownership models and how they work, including what to think about when making an investment decision.

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