Wednesday May 29, 7:00pm on Zoom

This event is for community groups and charities in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire interested in accessing funding to decarbonise their community buildings.


  • Welcome
  • Introduction to CARES support for decarbonising community buildings – Rachel Yule, Local Energy Scotland
  • Introduction to the Vattenfall Unlock Our Future Fund – Marion McDonald, Foundation Scotland
  • Unlocking support from both funds to decarbonise our community building – Bill Slee, Alford and District Men’s Shed

Local Energy Scotland manage CARES – the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. CARES supports communities across Scotland to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero emissions. Funding and support is currently available to help decarbonise your community buildings.

Vattenfall Unlock Our Future Fund
Applications will soon be open for charities and community groups across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire to apply for funding from the Vattenfall Unlock our Future Fund. The Fund, now in its sixth year, supports projects which take positive action for the climate and also benefit the local community. The deadline for applications is Monday 8 July 2024.

Alford and District Men’s Shed
Alford and District Men’s Shed is a community building in rural Aberdeenshire. The building is used widely by the community and has workshops, and meeting and catering spaces for hire. They wanted to install a whole energy system powered by renewable energy to minimise the building’s carbon footprint and received support from CARES and the Vattenfall Unlock our Future Fund to help them achieve this.

How to book

If you would like to attend this event, please fill out the event register form on Zoom.