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All register fields

Page title: About the project

  • What stage is your project currently at? (Options: Pre-planning, Planning, In construction, Operational, Decommissioned, )
  • When was the financial investment decision made?
  • What was the date of commercial operation?
  • Capacity (MW)
  • Are you offering/do you intend to offer community benefits? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • Has a community benefits package been confirmed? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • Please confirm the agreed value of your community benefit package as an equivalent rate of payment per MW per year:
  • Is this index-linked? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • Are you offering/do you intend to offer shared ownership? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • What % of the project is being offered for shared ownership?
  • Public contact email (optional)
  • Is this project 100% community owned? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • Our preference is to report on a calendar year to help with the accuracy of our reporting, however you can set an alternative reporting period. Where you set an alternative reporting period we will average the amounts across the calendar year. We encourage project owners to fill out annual report data on a calendar year reporting period (01/01-31/12) where possible.

    Are you able to do this? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • Reporting period start date
  • I confirm that the information provided is accurate

Page title: About community engagement

  • Have you engaged with communities to agree a community benefit package? (Options: Yes, Not yet, )
  • At what stage did you first engage with communities to agree a community benefit package? (Options: Pre-planning, Planning, In construction, Operational, Decommissioned, )
  • Did you follow the National Standards for Community Engagement? (Options: Yes, No, )
  • What community engagement methods did you undertake? (Options: Public meetings, Community council meetings, Community events, Surveys, Workshops, Online engagement, Other, )
  • Is a community organisation engaged in the shared ownership opportunity? (Options: Yes, )
  • At what stage did you first engage with communities on the shared ownership opportunity? (Options: Pre-planning, Planning, In construction, Operational, Decommissioned, )
  • What steps have you taken to engage the community?
  • I confirm that the information provided is accurate

Page title: Community benefits packages

  • Page title: Add new community benefit package

    • Page title: Community benefit package details

      • Name of community benefit package
      • Is there a website where information about the package is / will be published? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Fund website(s). If you'd like to add multiple links, separate them with commas.
      • Is the community benefit package live? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Planned start date for the package
      • When was the start date?
      • Planned end date for the fund
      • When was the end date?
    • Page title: Fund documents

      • Has a memorandum of understanding been completed? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the memorandum of understanding was signed
      • Has a community benefit agreement been completed? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the community benefit agreement was signed
    • Page title: Community action plan

      • If you are aware that the community has an up-to-date action plan (or similar), please provide a link. If you'd like to add multiple links, separate them with commas.
    • Page title: Fund administrator

      • Who administers the local community benefit fund? (Options: Developer, Third party, Community group, Local authority, Mix of ways, Other, )
      • Please provide details
    • Page title: Financial benefit mechanisms

      • Does your community benefit package include any mechanisms other than a community benefit fund? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • (Options: Support for housing and social infrastructure, Funding for core operation and/or staff costs of community organisations, Funding to support specific local positions (e.g. nature wardens or rangers), Bursaries to enable local people to undertake training or study, Discounted electricity for residents, On-site recreational infrastructure such as paths or tracks, Advice and professional project development support, Other financial or in-kind support, )
    • Page title: Financial benefit structure

      • What financial structure is used to determine the community benefit? (Options: Payment: per MW installed, Payment: per MWh generated, Payment: fixed per year, Payment: percentage of profit, Other: community buy-in, Other: joint venture, Other: virtual turbine, Other: wholly community owned, None of the above, )
      • Please provide details
    • Page title: Fund decision maker

      • Who makes decisions on what to fund? (Options: Community Panel, Committee or Board, Project owner, Stakeholder panel, Other, )
      • Please provide details
    • Page title: Regular package review

      • Is there a regular review of the community benefits package with the community? (Options: No, Yes – annually, Yes – every 3-5 years, Yes – other, )
    • Page title: Area of benefit local authorities

      • What local authorities does this fund operate in?
    • Page title: Area of benefit community councils

      • Which community councils does the fund cover in this area? Select all that apply
    • Page title: Confirm new fund

      • I confirm the details provided are accurate
  • Page title: Community benefit annual update

    • Total package value available in this reporting period (£)
      What was the total balance in £ available to communities from this package in this reporting period? This will include the full package value (ie those benefits used to calculate the £/MW/Yr value) available to communities.
    • Additional benefits
      Were any additional (in-kind) benefits delivered in the reporting period that do not form part of the £/MW/Yr value? (Options: Yes, No, )
    • Please provide details
    • Actual spend this period (£)
      What was the actual amount spent from the package in this reporting period? Please include the £ equivalent for any benefits provided that are included in the £/MW/Yr calculation.
    • Narrative
      Do any of the following options apply to give context to the package availability and spend in this reporting period? (Options: Funding brought forward and allocated in an earlier funding period, Funding brought forward - large / strategic project delivered, Funding rolled over to be allocated in a later funding period, Funding rolled over - community planning/capacity building ahead of fund spend, Funds committed for future projects, Community planning activity being carried out ahead of fund spend, Activity receiving investment was more than the funding provided in one year., Activity receiving investment was less than the funding provided in one year., Index-linked RPI, Index-linked CPI, Other, )
    • Please provide any details that help to give context to the figures reported above.
    • Are funds divided equally between the local authority areas? (Options: Yes, No, )
    • Please detail the approximate breakdown
    • Are you aware of your community benefit fund being used to leverage additional funding? (Options: Yes, No, )
    • What is the approximate value of the additional funding? (£)
    • Does the community benefit package support any of the following national outcomes?
      Note that you can check the website to see how each national outcome is mapped to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Options: Care, Children and Young People, Climate action, Communities, Culture, Wellbeing economy and fair work, Education and learning, Environment, Equality and human rights, Health, Housing, International, Reduce poverty, )
    • If there is an activity that the community benefits have supported in this reporting period that you are particularly proud of, please add a link or some information here. (Options: Add link, Add text, )
    • Add link (optional)
    • Where you are providing a text description it would be helpful to include a short outline of the activity and the impact that it has had.
    • Do you produce an annual report on fund spend or, if you are the fund administrator, do you produce one? (Options: Yes, No, )
    • Add link
    • I confirm the details provided are accurate

Page title: Shared ownership communities

  • Page title: Add new Shared Ownership community

    • Page title: Community details

      • Name of community organisation
      • % project owned/to be owned by this community
      • Expected community investment date (earliest)
    • Page title: Introductory session

      • Has Local Energy Scotland provided an introductory session for the community? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the LES session took place
    • Page title: Memorandum of Understanding

      • Has a Memorandum of Understanding been completed? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the Memorandum Of Understanding was signed
    • Page title: Heads of Terms

      • Have the Heads of Terms been completed? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the Heads of Terms was completed
    • Page title: Community Investment Decision

      • Has the community investment decision been made? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Please provide the date the community investment decision took place
      • What was the community investment decision? (Options: Invest, Don't invest, To be confirmed, )
      • Community investment completion date
    • Page title: Planned end date

      • Planned end date for the community investment (optional)
    • Page title: Community website

      • Does the community have a website? (Options: Yes, No, )
      • Community website
    • Page title: Area of benefit local authorities

      • What is the area of benefit for Shared ownership? Select all local authorities that apply
    • Page title: Area of benefit community councils

      • Which community councils does the community organisation cover in this area? Select all that apply
    • Page title: Confirm new shared ownership community

      • I confirm the details provided are accurate
  • Page title: SO annual update

    • Has an annual payment to the community been confirmed? (Options: Yes, No, )
    • What was the annual payment to the community for this period? (£)
    • Please provide any further details about the shared ownership opportunity for this period
    • I confirm the details provided are accurate

Page title: Key contacts

  • Page title: Add new contact

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
  • Page title: Edit project owner

    • Project owner name
    • Project owner website
  • Page title: Edit contact

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Phone number

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